Jugal Rural Municipality

Jugal rural municipality is one of 9 rural municipalities in Sindhupalchok district, which is located north from Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Selang, Gumba, Golche, Baramchi, Hagam and Pangtang Village Development Committees were adjusted and Jugal Rural Municipality was formed. Currently, there are 7 ward offices in this rural municipality. Spread over a total area of ​​592 square kilometers, this rural municipality is named after Jugal Himal. Spread in the Himalayas, this rural municipality is the largest local body in Sindhupalchok district based on its area. As it is spread over the Himalayas, the geographical location here is difficult and complex. Also, it is very cold at higher altitudes. This rural municipality extends from 300 meters to 7080 meters above sea level.

The eastern border of Jugal Rural Municipality is connected with Bahrabise Municipality and Bhotekoshi Rural Municipality. Similarly, the western border of Panch Pokhari is connected with Thangpal Rural Municipality and Indrawati Rural Municipality, the northern border with Rasuwa and Tibet, the southern border with Chautara Sangachok Gadhi municipality and Balephi village municipality.

No. of Ward 5
Total Population 19148
Population Year 2022 A.D
Total Area 592 sq.km
Tele Phone 011-691056
Web Site www.jugalmun.gov.np
Email jugalgaupalika12@gmail.com
Chair Person Ramesh Syangbo
Chief Executive Officer Prabesh Baduwal
Location Baramchi, Sindhupalchok