According to the administrative division of Nepal, Panchpokhari Thangpal rural municipality is currently one of the 12 local levels under the Sindhupalchok district. Former Banskhark, Baruwa, Bhotang, Thangpalkot, Gunsa, Thangpaldhap, Bhotenamlang and Lagarche Village Development Committees were adjusted to form this rural municipality. This village was named after combining the famous religious and tourist place Panchpokhari and Thangpal Village Development Committee of former. Currently, there are only 8 ward offices in the rural municipality. You can go through Melamchi Bazaar in Panchpokhari Thangpal Rural Municipality. First, one can enter Melamchi from Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and from there Panchpokhari Thangpal.
Extending from sea level to a height of 4100 meters, the borders of the rural municipality are connected to Jugal rural municipality in the east, Helambu rural municipality in the west, Rasuwa district in the north, and Melamchi municipality and Indrawati rural municipality in the south. The total area of the municipality is spread over 187.29 square kilometres. This rural municipality, extending from the high Himalayas to the mountains, also includes the mountains of the Jugal Himalayan Range. Panchpokhari, a famous tourist area, is located in the higher part of this municipality.
- Ward No. 1 - Banskharka
- Ward No. 2 - Baruwa
- Ward No. 3 - Bhotang
- Ward No. 4 - Thangpalkot
- Ward No. 5 - Gunsa
- Ward No. 6 - Thangpal Dhap
- Ward No. 7 - Bhotenamlang
- Ward No. 8 - Lagarche
According to the household survey of the year 2075, the total population was 34697. In which there were 16964 women and 17733 men and there were 7803 households.
According to the latest national census - 2078, the total population of the municipality is 20978. Out of which 10596 are male and 10382 are female. According to the census, there are 5634 census house numbers and 5917 family numbers. For local elections - 2079, there are 19,227 total voters, including 10,359 men and 8,868 women. For this election, 14 polling stations and 27 polling centers have been designated throughout the municipality.
Caste, Language and Religion
Most of the people who speak the Tamang language live here. According to the data, there are other language-speaking communities such as Tamang (59%), Nepali (29%), Hyolmo (5%), Newar (4%), Gurung (1%), Sherpa (1%) and others. Tamang, Chhetri, Dalits, Newaris etc. are the castes here, while Buddhists, Hindus, Christians are the main religions here.
Educational Institutions
There are 21 child development centers, 20 primary schools, 4 basic schools, and 10 secondary schools within Panchpokhari Thangpal Rural Municipality.
According to the year 2068, the total literacy rate was 46.03 percent, of which 38.89 percent were women and 52.86 percent were men. According to the year 2079, the literacy rate has not been made public.
Health Institutions
There are health centers in almost all the wards of Panchpokhari Rural Municipality. Where there is basic and general treatment. Bhotang health post, Gunsa health post, Man Khark health post, Bhotenamlang health post, Banskhark health post, Thangpaldhap health post, Baruwa health post, Lagarche health post are the health posts here. Apart from this, there are health institutions including Panchpokhri Primary Hospital.
Cultivable Land and Occupation
Out of the total area of 14066 hectares of the municipality, 5318 hectares of land is cultivable. Various types of food and grain crops are produced in this municipality, which is spread in the high Himalayan region. The main occupation of the people here is agriculture and animal husbandry. This profession, which has been embraced since the past, is the source of livelihood of the people here. In animal husbandry, people here keep domestic animals such as sheep, chauri, goats. One person keeps hundreds of animals. According to the season, the animal sheds keep moving to different pastures and grasslands. Churpi is also made here from the milk of Chauri. And another source of income is the trade of herbs.
About 48 percent of the total area is forested. Some parts of the Himalayan region are included in the Langtang National Park. There are about 58 confessional and 39 community forests within the municipality. Herbs collected from forests are also the main source of income for people.
Tourism and Religious Places
Panchpokhari is a famous religious and tourist place here. The rural municipality was named after this place. Panchpokhari is a famous, good and excellent place of Sindhupalchok district.

Apart from this, Raithane Mahadev, Dorje Lakpa Himal, Bhotang, Mane Khark, Tupidanda, Nagidanda, Norsyam Pati etc. are the tourist spots here.
Panchpokhari Thangpal Rural Municipality Ward No. 2, Amayangri, Ward No. 2, from the height of 3771 m from the sea level of Amayangri to Jyomothang Chour, was successfully tested by pilot Mr. Nuren Rana, and being able to fly in the sky (Paragliding) while watching the panoramic views of the Himalayas will be memorable and this is the first test above 3500 meters. Mr. Subas Tamang, the chairman of the organizer Tourism Festival Committee, said.
This rural municipality is famous for the famous religious and touristic place of Nepal "Panchpokhari". Also, many organic potatoes are produced in Panchpokhari. Lately, the farmers here have been cultivating oranges, kiwi, etc. commercially.
Contact Address
Municipal Office - Thangpaldhap, Sindhupalchok, Bagmati, Nepal
Phone number - 016227201
Email -
Website -