Prithvi Jayanti is also known as the Nepal Ekikaran Diwas (National Unification Day) or National Unity Day, which is annually celebrated on 11 January to commemorate the birth of King Prithvi Narayan Shah.
If we look at world history, every nation has experienced important events. Events that play an important role in giving birth to a great leader, politician, leader, or activist. Nepal has experienced many revolutions, movements, and campaigns in its history. Prithvi Narayan Shah's reign is considered important in the history of modern Nepal. During his reign, Prithvi Narayan Shah started the campaign to build a modern and new Nepal.
To keep the legacy of Prithvi Narayan Shah alive, Nepal celebrates Prithvi Jayanti, or National Unity Day (Rashtriya Ekta Diwas) on the 29th of Paush (Nepali Date) every year.
Prithvi Narayan Shah: Founder of Modern Nepal
Prithvi Narayan Shah was born on 27th Paush 1779 (11 January 1723) in the recent Gorkha state (Now a district of Nepal). He was born to King Narbhupal Shah and his mother Kaushalavati Devi. He was the initiator of the unification of Nepal, a skilled politician, diplomat, literature lover, and an influential leader. Prithvi Narayan Shah was able to unify Baise and Chaubise states due to his skillful strategic abilities.
Prithvi Narayan Shah occupied the throne of the Gorkha kingdom from 3 April 1743. At that time, Nepal was divided into many small states. Prithvi Narayan was a far-sighted king. At that time, he saw the risk of external attack in small states. Which would have a negative impact on the Gorkha state over time. Therefore, Prithvi Narayan Shah started a campaign to unite all those small states and make one nation.
At the beginning of unification, he attacked and conquered the neighboring states of Gorkha. After the victory of the Nuwakot kingdom, Prithvi Narayan Shah's eyes fell on the then-powerful kingdoms of Kantipur, Patan, and Bhaktapur. In 1823 Kantipur, Patan, and Bhaktapur were also occupied by Gorkhali. In this way, Prithvi Narayan Shah declared himself as the king of Nepal on Ashwin 13, 1825 BS while occupying various states.
Prithvi Narayan Shah was a visionary king. Considering his various sayings, it is understood that he is a lover of literature. In his words, society, politics, country, diplomacy, people, and governance system. are reflected. He died on 11 January 1775 at Devighat.
No, Nepal was not a part of India. Nepal is over 250 years old. Nepal is the oldest independent sovereign country in South Asia.
Nepal celebrates National Unification Day
Even after the death of Prithvi Narayan Shah, the series of unification of Nepal continued. Once upon a time, Nepal was spread over a larger area than today. Which we call Greater Nepal. Later, due to the Sugauli Treaty between the British and Nepal, Nepal lost some territory.
Prithvi Narayan Shah was the creator of Nepal integration. Prithvi Narayan Shah's campaign to make one flower garden by tying everyone in a garland of unity shows the unity between Nepal and Nepalese.
If there was no Prithvi Narayan Shah, the presence of Nepal today in the world would be different. We should accept history and respect it. Since (BS) 2012, 27 Poush has been celebrated as Prithvi Jayanti and National Unity Day. This day is a dedication to all country-loving warriors. It reminds us of the ruins of Etohas.
Why is National Unity Day important in Nepal?
Prithvi Jayanti and National Unity Day are important days for Nepal. It is necessary to celebrate this day by rising above caste, religion, politics, opinion, and theory. Governments at different levels in Nepal celebrate National Unity Day by holding various programs.
Especially the Nepalese army grandly celebrates this day. On the occasion of this day, the Nepali Army marches from the Gorkha Palace to the Valley through the "Ekikaran Pad". Similarly, various schools celebrate this day by organizing essays, poems, and discussion programs on Prithvi Narayan Shah. This day is celebrated by placing garlands on the statue of Prithvi Narayan Shah spread all over the country, and remembering his sermons. It has a special justification because it emphasizes national unity.

Famous Sermons of Prithvi Narayan Shah
The sermons of Prithvi Narayan Shah are also called "Dipya Upadesh of Prithvi Narayan Shah". Before his death, he gave some sermons to his family. It is called the brilliant sermon of Prithvi Narayan Shah. Even for a long time, his sermons were not printed in history. Later, historians (Baburam Achary & Narhari Nath) excavated it and printed it.
Most of Prithvi Narayan Shah's sermons are very relevant even now. This proves that he was a visionary ruler. In the sermons of Prithvi Narayan Shah, people, nation, economic aspect, social aspect, political, diplomatic, original culture, etc. various aspects are found.
"It is not a country made of my little pain. This is the flower garden of all races if everyone is aware. Small and big, four species and thirty-six characters should protect this flower garden together."
"This State is Yam of between two stones. To maintain a good friendship with the king of the north. Befriend the king of the southern sea, but it is very clever."
“When an old man dies, his words also die with him. What you who are gathered here will hear from me, pass on to your children also, and they to ours, and this kingdom will endure.”
"If the people are fat, the palace is strong."
"Even if there is a village in the place where there is a mine, moving the village to another land and running the mining."
"Both those who take bribe and those who give it are enemies of the nation."
Apart from the ones presented above, many sermons of Prithvi Narayan Shah are popular. The above-mentioned sermons are taken from the book "Bada Maharajadhiraj Sri Panch Prithvi Narayan Shah's Dipya Upadesh".