Vikram Samvat calendar is the nationwide calendar in Nepal. Therefore, Every Nepalese celebrate "New Year" on the first day of Vikram Samvat. According to this calendar, the first month is Baisakh. Nepali New Year is on the 1st of every Baisakh. This day is also called "Nava Barsha". According to the eastern astrological tradition, the new year starts on the 1st of Baisakh.
Similarly, "Biska Jatra" also starts in Bhaktapur on New Year's Day. As per Eastern Philosophy, There are 12 horoscopes. With the starts with Baisakh month, The horoscope also enters the Aries horoscope. So, The Nepali New Year is also called Mesh Sankranti (Starts Aries Horoscope).
Nepal is a country with multi-ethnicity, origin, culture & tradition. Every community have its traditions, facts, and calendars. So, They celebrate their own New Year separately in different ways. Newar community follows the Nepal Samvat Calendar. And, they celebrate the new year on the first day of this calendar. Similarly, the Tharu community celebrate their new year on the Maghe Sankranti. likewise, Tamang, Gurung, & Sherpa celebrate their new year at the Lhosar festival. Other communities also celebrate the new year on the different dates & festivals. But, all communities jointly celebrate the New Year of Vikram Samvat calendar.
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Nepali New Year falls in the middle of April in the Gregorian calendar. Vikram Samvat calendar is ahead about 56 years 8 months 17 days the Gregorian calendar. There is a vast difference in logic between Vikram Samvat & Gregorian Calendar. Gregorian calendar considers the leap year. But, Vikram Samvat does not consider the leap year. The total day of the month may be 32 days in the Vikram Samvat calendar.
Vikram Samvat Calendar
Vikram Samvat is a traditional Hindu calendar system. King Vikramaditya of the Ujjain introduced this calendar. It is a solar-based calendar. Prime Minister Chandra Shamsher adopted this Samvat as the official calendar of Nepal.
Nepal is the only country that officially recognizes Bikram Samvat. In India, people use it only for cultural purposes. According to this calendar, the new year begins on the first day of Baisakh. When the Sun enters Aries. There are 12 months in this calendar system.
The Vikram Samvat calendar is about 56 years, 8 months, and 17 days ahead of the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar has leap years. But this calendar doesn't recognize it. The Vikram Samvat calendar can have up to 32 days in a month.
How to celebrate Nepali New Year?
The New Year (Naya Barsha) is the national day in Nepal. The government gives national wide holiday to celebrate new year. Nepali people spread all over the world celebrate the New Year with enthusiasm. Especially every people promise to do new work with new passion and energy in the new year.

On the day of Nepali New Year, people go with their families to new places to spend precious time. It is believed that if you start a new work in the new year, you will get success. That's why people start new work in the new year. Similarly, they also promise to give up bad deeds. One day before New Year, people enjoy with their friends. Apart from this, people go to the monastery & temple and worship. And they enjoy eating sweet and savoury foods.
Best Wishes for Nepali New Year
Here are the some meaningful & important best wishes, quotes for Nepali New Year:
May the new year bring new energy, passion, power and ability in everyone's life. Happy New Year everyone! (नयाँ बर्षले सबैको जिवनमा नयाँ उर्जा, जोश्, शक्ती, क्षमता ल्याउन । सबैमा नयाँ बर्षको शुभकामना!) |
With the new year, may new rays of sunshine shine in your life, May your every step lead to greater success, Let go of negativity from everything, May you get the power to explain the meaning of living, Happy New Year with wishes for continued progress. (नयाँ बर्ष सँगै तपाईको जिवनमा नयाँ घामका किरणहरु झुल्किउन्, तपाईको हरेक कदमहरुले उचाईको सफलताहरु प्राप्त गर्दै जाउन, हरेक कुराहरुबाट उत्पन्न भएको नकारात्मकतालाई त्यागी, जिवन जिउनुको सार्थकता प्रष्ट्याउने शक्ती मिलोस्, उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतीको कामना सहित नयाँ बर्षको शुभ कामना ।) |
May this new year add a strong trust between you and me that no force in the world can break, Bring opportunities to further strengthen relationships. Happy New Year! (यो नयाँ बर्षमा तपाई र मेरो सम्बन्धमा संसारको कुनै पनि शक्तीले तोड्न नसक्ने बलियो विश्वास थप्दै जाओस्, सम्बन्धहरुलाई अझै मजबुत बनाउने अवसरहरु ल्याओस्, नयाँ बर्षको शुभकामना!) |
With the new year, let every citizen feel the desire to do something for their society and country. Let wisdom come to every leadership for the development of the country, Happy New Year everyone! (नयाँ बर्ष सँगै हरेक नागरिकमा आफ्नो समाज र देश प्रती केही गरौँ भन्ने भावना जागोस्, हरेक नेतृत्त्वमा देश विकासको लागी सद्बुद्धी आओस्, सबैमा नयाँ बर्षको शुभकामना!) |
Frequently Asked Questions
Many people may have a lot of queries regarding Nepali New Years. Some of them are:
When is Nepali New Year?
Nepali New Year is celebrated on the first day of Baisakh month according to Vikram Samvat calendar. This day falls in the middle of April month according to the Gregorian calendar.
How many new years are celebrated in Nepal?
Every community in Nepal uses a different calendar. Accordingly, they celebrate New Year at different times. Baisakh 1st New Year is celebrated by all Nepali with joy.
When is Nepali New Year Eve celebrate?
Nepali New Year Eve is celebrated on the last day of Chaitra month (Last month of Vikram Samvat Calendar).
Happy New Year Everyone!!!