Nepal is a country located in the lap of the Himalayas. More than eight thousand highest mountains in the world are in Nepal. In fact, Nepal is a country of mountains.
Within that, we will give information about different types of mountains in the Sindhupalchok district.
Sindhupalchok is in the northeast direction of Kathmandu. It is one of the Himalayan districts of Nepal. Jugal Ice Range, Gauri Shankar Ice Range, and Rolling Ice Range are located around this area. There are hundreds of small and big peaks under the same snow chain.
For mountain climbers, there are moderate to challenging mountains in Sindhupalchowk. Most of the mountains have just opened for climbing. Those mountains have fulfilled the dreams of many climbers.
Brief information about the main mountains in Sindhupalchok district such as Lenpoghyang, Phurbi Chachu, Dorje Lakpa, Madiya, Bhairav Thakura, Jugal, Gyalzen Peak etc.
The list of the mountain in the Sindhupalchok district is explained below.
Loenpo gang
Loenpo Gang is the highest peak in the Sindhupalchok district. It falls under the Jugal Ice Range. It is located at an altitude of 6979 (22,897 ft.) meters above sea level. The prominence of its peak is 1040 (3419 ft.) meters.
Loenpo Gang mountain was climbed for the first time on May 3, 1962, by Tadashi Morita and Kazunari of the Japanese climbing team.

Dorje Lakpa
Dorje Lakpa is located in the Langtang National Park under the Jugal Ice Range. This is spread at a height of 6966 (22,854 ft.) meters from sea level. It can also be seen from Kathmandu Valley.
For the first time in the 1960s, a Japanese team made a successful ascent.
Bhairav Takura / Madiya
Bhairav Thakura is also known as Madiya. It extends from sea level to a height of 6799 (22306 ft.) meters. This mountain is located in Sindhupalchok Jugal Rural Municipality. It is spread over 28º 11' 52" latitude and 85º 48'35" longitude.
Kunitoshi, Yukihito, and Pasang Sherpa climbed this mountain for the first time in 1960 AD.
Phurbi Chyachu
Phurbi Chachu is one of the major mountains of the Jugal Ice Range. This mountain is 6637 meters (21,775 ft.) above sea level. One can climb here via Sindhupalchok Kothe - Jalbire - Ghumthang.
For the first time on May 1, 1982, a Japanese climbing team consisting of Shintaro Kurokawa, Fumihito Ogawa, Hiromitsu Okamoto, Takashi Shinki, Hajime Takigami, Aung Phuri Lama, and Pemb Lama Sherpa successfully climbed this mountain. The peak ID is “PHUR”.
Baden Powell Scout Peak
Baden Powell Peak is located in Sindhupalchok and Rasuwa districts. It is at a height of 5710 (18,730 ft.) meters above sea level.
Baden Powell Scout Peak was earlier known as Urkema Peak. In 2007, the Nepalese government changed the name of this mountain to Baden Powell in recognition of Baden Powell (the father of scouts). In 2007, scout teams from different countries successfully climbed this mountain. The peak ID is “BPSP”.
Gyalzen Peak
Gyalzen peak is a mountain in the Sindhupalchok district. Its height is 6151 meters above sea level. It is also known as Lenpoghang East. It extends from 28º 11' 02" latitude to 85º 50' 30" longitude. It is about 7 km east of Dorje Lakpa Mountain.

Jugal Mountain
Jugal Mountain is 6500 meters above sea level. It is located on the border of the Sindhupalchok district of Nepal and Tibet. The prominence of its main peak is 173 meters. The government of Nepal started giving permission for climbing this mountain some time ago.
Apart from the above, there are many more mountains in the Sindhupalchok district. Some have no name. The work of naming the unnamed peaks is ongoing. Brief information about more mountains will also be kept soon.