Deusi Bhailo is an important part of Tihar. Tihar is a festival of flowers. It is also a festival where different lights and colors are used. Every year in Nepal, the festival is celebrated five days from the day of Kartik Krishna Paksha Trayodashi to the day of Ditiya Tithi of Kartik Shukla Paksha. And, the main attraction of Tihar is Deusi and Bhailo. Young people, children, and even old people of all age groups enjoy Deusi Bhailo very much. The Tihar festival's main feature is to gather with your friends and neighbors, go to each other's houses, and sing Deusibhailo in the traditional way.
Bhailo is celebrated on the day of Lakshmi Puja in Tihar. Traditionally, people play Bhailo on the day of Lakshmi Puja or Aunsi. Women have a custom of playing Bhailo. But with change in time, it is played by both men and women. Everyone does special puja in their homes on the day of Lakshmi Puja. And, on this day, people cook Selroti at home.
Read Also: Tihar Festival in Nepal
Deusi plays on the day of Govardhan Puja. Of course, Deusi plays one day later than Bhaili. Mha Puja is also performed by the Newar community on this day. Deusi is traditionally played by men especially. Even on this day, people worship in their homes. In the evening of this day, young people and people of other age groups gather and play Deusi in every house of the society according to cultural tradition.
Public and private schools and colleges in every place in Nepal have been conducting Deusi Bhailo program among students. Yes, the generation of playing Deusi Bhailo has changed. Therefore, the system and method of playing it has also changed. It is the original cultural heritage of Nepal. This is the cultural property of Nepal. Deusi Bhailo is played for about 3-4 days in different parts of Nepal.
People give rice, money (as a Dakshina), fruits, Cellroti, sweetmeats and other items to those who play Deusi Bhailo. There is no written history of when and who started playing Deusi Bhailo. So Deusi Bhailo is believed to have been started by Bali Raja who received the blessing of Lord Vishnu.
Deusi Bhailo Songs
Deusi Bhailo begins from the short songs. This songs are related to Deusi & Bhailo. Some of the famous Deusi & Bhailo songs are:
भैलिनी आयो आँगन बडारिकुडारी राख न्,
हे! औसिको दिन गाई तिहार भैलो!
{Bhailini Ayo Agana Badarikudari Rakha na,
Hi! Ausiko Dina Gai Tihar bhailo!}.........1

झिलिमिली रातमा साथीभाई साथमा रमाईलो मनाउदै
लड्दै र बड्दै आएका हामी देउसीरे मनाउन!
{Jhilimili Rat ma Sathi Bhai Satha ma Ramailo Manaudai,
Laddai ra Baddai Ayakaa Hami Deusire Manauna}........2
Deusi Bhailo Song Lyrics in Nepali
There is a different and wonderful way of singing Deusi Bhailo. In Nepal, it is a tradition to sing Deusi Bhailo like songs. In the team playing Deusi and Bhailo, one person sings while the rest say Deusire or Bhailini.
अ है भन मेरा भाई हो
अ है राम्ररी भन
श्वार मिलाई कन
भन न भन
दिउसेरी भन
राम्ररी भन
{ Ahai ! Bhana Mera Bhai Ho ......Deusire
Ahai ! Ramri Bhan..... Deusire
Ahai ! Swor Milai Kan ... Deusire
Hai! Bhana na Bhana...... Deusire
Hai! Deusire Bhana....Deusire
Ahai ! Ramri Bhana... Deusire
Ahai ! Swor Milai Kan... Deusire }
ए । बर्षमा दिनको
ए । चाडबाड
ए । जनाउनै पर्ने
ए । मनाउनै पर्ने ।
Ahai! Barsama Dinko ...Deusire
Eh! Chad Ra Bhad..Deusire
Ah! Janaunai Parne..... Deusire
Ah ! Manaunai Parne ... Deusire
ए घरभेटी आमा
ए । घर भेटी बाबा
आईपुज्ञौ हामी
ए । हजुरको घरमा
ए । देउसी खेल्न
A ! Gharbheti Ama ... Deusire
A! Gharbheti Baba.... Deusire
Aipugyau Hami.... Deusire
A! Deusi khelna.... Deusire
आ है । झिलिमिली झिलिमिली
के को झिलिमिलि
फुलको झिलिमिलि
है । बत्तीको झिलिमिली
आ है । रंगौलीको झिलिमिली
है । राम्ररी भन ।
देउसीरे भन ।
Ahai ! Jhilimili Jhilimili...Deusire
Ahai ! K Ko Jhilimili... Deusire
Ahai ! Battiko Jhilimili....Deusire
Ahai! Fula Ko Jhilimili.... Deusire
Ahai ! Rangauli Ko Jhilimili.... Deusire
Ahai ! Ramri Bhana.... Deusire
Ahai ! Deusire Bhana.... Deusire
अ है । हामी त्यसै
है । आएका होइनौँ
है । बली राजाको
है । हुकुममा मानी
है । रातो माटो
अ है चिप्लो बाटो
है ।लड्दै बड्दै
है । आएका हामी
अ है देउसी खेल्न
है हजुरको घरमा
Ahai! Hami Tesai....Deusire
Ahai ! Ayaka Hoinau.... Deusire
Hai ! Bali Rajako.... Deusire
Hai! Hukuma Mani.... Deusire
Hai! Rato Mato... Deusire
Ahai! Chiplo Bato...Deusire
Hai ! Laddhai Baddhai....Deusire
Ahai Ayaka Hami.....Deusire
Hai! Deusi Khelna... Deusire
Hai! Hajurako Gharma...... Deusire
ए । छाना माथी घिरौला
ए । के के दिन्छ हेरौला
है । चाढाबाट आईयो
है । धेरै धेरै चाहियो
Ahai ! Chhana Mathi Ghiraula.... Deusire
Hai! K K Dinxa Heraula...... Deusire
Ahai ! Tada Bata Ayau... Deusire
Hai! Dherai Dherai Chahiyo..... Deusire
ए । घरभेटी आमा
ए । सोच्दै होलिन
है । यो देउसीलाई
है । के के दिउ ?
है ।खोज्दै होलिन ?
Ahai! Gharbheti Ama... Deusire
Ahai! Sochdai Holin... Deusire
Ahai! Yo Deusilai .....Deusire
Ahai! K K Deu... Deusire
E ! Khoddai Holin .... Deusire
ए । केराको खम्ब
ए । साथीभाई जम्मा
ए । भन मेरा साथी हो
राम्ररी भन्
ए । स्वर मिलाई कन
Ahai ! Kera Ko Khamba.... Deusire
AHai ! Sathi Bhai Jamma... Deusire
Ahai ! Bhana Mera Sathi Ho.... Deusire
Hai! Ramrari Bhana... Deusire
Ahai ! Swor Milai Kan... Deusire
ए । संसारमै राम्रो
ए । चाडबाड हाम्रो
ए । रिथी र थिति
जो गाउने काम हाम्रो
ए ।देशैमा हुँदा
ए । देउसीमा भैलो
ए । खेल्दैमा आईयौ
ए । रैलोमा दैलो
Ahai ! Sansar Mai Ramro... Deusire
Hai ! Chadbhad Hamro.... Deusire
Ahaii ! Riti Ra Thiti.... Deusire
A ! Jogaune Kam Hamro.... Deusire
A ! Deshaima Huda.... Deusire
A! Deusima Bhailo..... Deusire
A! Kheldaima Ayau... Deusire
A ! Railoma Dhailo... Deusire
ए झिलिमिली झिल्ल
ए । सेलरोटी मिल्ला
ए । आख्खुम बाख्खुम्
ए । सेलरोटी चाख्खुम्
ए । राम्ररी भन्
ए । स्वर मिलाई कन ।
Ahai ! Jhilimili Jhilla...Deusire
A ! Selroti Millaa..... Deusire
A ! Akhkhum Bakhkhum... Deusire
A ! Selroti Chaakhkhum...Deusire
Ahai ! Ramrari Bhana...Deusire
A ! Swor Milai Kan.... Deusire
अ है ! घोडा बस्ने तबेला
है ! हामीलाई भयो अबेला
अ है ! साइकलको घण्टी,
अहै! छिटो गर्नुस आन्टी,
है ! सातै प्रदेश
अहै! सत्तहतर जिल्ला,
है ! पुग्नै पर्छ्
अहै ! घुम्नै पर्छ ।
Ahai ! Ghoda Basne Tabela....Deusire
Hai ! Hamlai Bhayo Abela....Deusire
A hai ! Saikal ko Ghanti...
Ahai! Chhito Garnus Aunti ....Deusire
Hai ! Satai Pradesh ...Deusire
Ahai! Satthatar jillaa...Deusire
Hai ! Pugnai Parchha... Deusire
Ahai ! Ghumnai Parchha... deusire
अहै ! यो घर कस्तो
अहै ! दरबार जस्तो
अहै ! यो आँगन कस्तो
अहै ! टुँडिखेल जस्तो
Ahai ! Yo Ghar Kasto......Deusire
Hai ! Darbar jasto......Deusire
Ahai ! yo Agan Kasto.......Deusire
Hai ! Tudekhel Jasto........Deusire
Deusi Bhailo Blessings Lyrics
अहै मेरा भाई हो,
अहै आषिश है दिउ दिउ
अहै यसैमा घरमा
अहै लक्ष्मीले सधै
अहै बासमा गरुन
Ahai! Mera Bhai Ho... Deusire
Ahai! Aashish Hai Diu Diu... Deusire
Ahai! Yesaima Gharma...... Deusire
Ahai! Laxmile Sadhau... Deusire
Ahai ! Baasama Garun ....Deusire
अहै! यसैमा घरका
अहै! माता र पिता,
अहै! बर पिपल जस्तै,
अहै! मौलाई रहुन्,
Ahai! Yesaima Gharka ...Deusire
Ahai! Mata Ra Pita ...Deusire
Ahai! Barpipal Jastai ...Deusire
Ahai! Moulahi Rahun ...Deusire
अहै यसैमा घरका ,
अहै दाजु र दिदि,
अहै भाई र बैनि,
अहै दुबो झै मौलाउन्,
अहै मौलाई रहुन ।
Ahai! Yesaima Gharka...Deusire
Ahai! Daju Ra Didi...Deusire
Ahai! Bhai Ra Baini...Deusire
Ahai! Dubo Moulahi Jhai...Deusire
Ahai! Moulahi Rahun ...Deusire
अहै ! यसैमा घरका,
अहै ! मातापिताले,
अहै ! ढुङ्गामा छुँदा,
अहै ! डरबरै बनुन्,
अहै !मातोमा छुँदा ,
अहै ! अन्नमा बनुन ,
अहै! कजलामा छुँदा,
अहै! पैसा नै बनुन्,
अहै! देउसीका आशिक ,
अहै! लागिमा जाउन ।
Ahai ! Yesaima Gharka...Deusire
Ahai ! MataPitale ...Deusire
Ahai ! Dhungama Chhuda...Deusire e
Ahai ! Durbarai Banun ...Deusire
Ahai !Matoma Chhuda ...Deusire
Ahai ! Annama Banun ...Deusire
Ahai! Kajalama Chhuda ...Deusire
Ahai! Paisa nai Banun...Deusire
Ahai! Deuseka Aashik ...Deusire
Ahai! Lagima Jaaun ...Deusire