The National Examination Board (NEB) has set an exam routine for class 12 in 2082 BS. The exams for the academic year 2081 BS will be held for both regular students and partial candidates. The exam routine is designed to ensure an organized and systematic assessment process. This official notice provides essential information to students, educators, and all concerned parties about the exam dates, timings, and procedures, thereby ensuring that everyone is well-informed and prepared for the upcoming examinations.

NEB has published the board exam routine for all faculties including management, science, education, humanities and others. You can check the official notice on the NEB website. The exam starts from 2082/01/11 to 2082/01/24. It helds on the morning time from 8 AM to 11 AM.

NEB Class 12 Board Exam Routine 2081 for Management

As per NEB schedule, here is the exam routine for grade 12 board exam for 2081. If your are management students of class 12, you should follow below exam schedule.

Date Subject
2082/01/11Com. English
2082/01/12Computer Science
2082/01/16Com. Nepali
2082/01/24Business Studies

NEB Class 12 Exam Routine for Science Faculty

As per NEB Notice, Here is the exam routine for science faculty.

Date Subject
2082/01/11Com. English
2082/01/12 Computer Science
2082/01/14Com. Mathematics
2082/01/16Com. Nepali

NEB Grade 12 Education Faculty Routine

Here is the exam routine schedule for grade 12 education faculty.

Date Subjects
2082/01/11Com. English
2082/01/14Social Studies
2082/01/16Com. Nepali
2082/01/17Math/Health Education
2062/01/21Eco./ Opt. Nepali
2082/01/22Opt. English
2082/01/24Education & Development

Class 12 NEB Exam Routine for Humanities

As per NEB notice, Here is the board exam routine for humanities faculties.

2082/01/11Com. English
2082/01/14Com. Social Studies
2082/01/16Com. Nepali
2082/01/18History/ Rural Development
2082/01/21Opt. Nepali/ Economics
2082/01/23Geography/ Sociology/ Linguistics
2082/01/25OPT. English

Exam Routine for Garde 12

NEB has published official exam routine notice for grade 12. Here is the official notice:

Read Also: How to check NEB grade 12 Result?