Irkhu Health Post
Irkhu Health Post

Irkhu Health Post

  • 1998-09-15
  • Irkhu, Sindhupalchowk

Irkhu Health Post is located in Sindhupalchok, Chautara Sangachok Gadhi Municipality Ward No. 8. This is a community health center. Irkhu health post was established in the year 2055. Now, this health post is operated under the city health branch of Chautara Sangachok Gadhi municipality.

The purpose of this health post is to provide essential health services to the people of ward number 8. At the same time, spreading public awareness about maternal and child care, and organizing awareness programs in the community about various infectious diseases is done from this health post. 


  • Vaccination campaigns and public awareness programs against epidemics like covid

  • Conducting various types of vaccination campaigns for children

  • Conducting a campaign to feed vitamins, leprosy, etc.

  • Volunteer mobilization at the community level