Manikhel is one of the beautiul village in lalitpur. It is the ward no. 2 of Mahankal Rural Municipality, Lalitpur. It is in the southern part of Lalitpur. Moreover, it is the former village development committee and now ward number 2 of Mahankal. The famous Simba Falls is located in Manikhel village.
Kaleshwor & Gotikhel village is in the eastern part of Manikhel. Similarly, the western part of Manikhel is connected with Bhukhel, Bhardeu & Chaughare villages. Moreover, the northern part is connected with Kalati Bhumidanda. And, the Gimdi is in the southern part of Manikhel.
Total Area | 16.13 Sq.KM |
Total Population | 1772 (As per CBS) |
Ward Chief | Joni Kumar Nyasur |
Contact No. | 9841246734 | | |
Phone | 9841246734 |
Web Site | |