Shree Jana Jagriti Secondary School is a popular government school in Chautara Sangachok Gadhi Municipality-12, Sangachok, Sindhupalchok. This school was established in 1950 AD (2007 BS) with the purpose of providing quality education to the local people in Sangachok. This School is affiliated with the National Examination Board (NEB). And, Running under the Ministry of Education, GoN. Similarly, this school operates under the local government, management committee, and parents committee.
This school provides education from Child Development Center to Class 12. Both general and technical streams are taught here. This educational institution offers free education with various facilities. Animal science is taught here in the technical field.
Location: Chautara Sangachowk-12, Sangachowk, Sindhupalchok
Phone: 9841557930/ 9855053832/ 9823138403