Ishan Hotel & Lodge is a hotel service provider with excellent hospitality, and a family atmosphere. This is a nice hotel located in Mude Bazaar in Sindhupalchok. This hotel is located under the Lamosanghu-Jiri road section. This hotel will warmly welcome everyone in a beautiful natural environment.
Dolakha Bhimshen, Kalinchok and other places pass through this place. Travelers can rest here during their journey there. Good and quality hotel service, Ishan Hotel is the best destination for stay.
If you are looking for a hotel with good facilities in Mude area, Ishan Hotel is suitable. In addition to locally produced food, Ishan provides food according to the taste of the guests.

- Delicious Food & Accommodation
- Good Hospitality
- Security
- Organic Products
- Vehicles services
Nearby Attractions
- Mude Bazar view
- Deu Dhunga
- Potato Firms
- Lamosanhgu
Contact Address
Location: Mude Bazar, Sindhupalchowk
Phone: 985-1002317 / 011-690056