Hotel Namaste & lodge is located in Chautara Bazar, Sindhupalchowk. It offers food and lodging services for the tourists. Peace and familiar environment, delicious food, unique hospitality, and luxurious and standard facilities are the major attraction of this hotel.
Namaste Hotel & Lodge provides also bar services. You can spend your in this hotel by playing with the natural environment. It is in the heart of Chautara Bazar.
The following services the the hotel offers
- Hygienic Restaurant
- Free WIFI
- Delux Room
- Attach Bathroom
- Seminar Hall
- Garden Rooftop
- Guest Laundry
- Parking
- Private Transportation
- Global Computer
- Nepal Bank, Chautara
- Sindhu Bikas Bank, Chautara
- Subha Kamana Dental
- Krishu Cold Store
- Laxmi Bank Chautara
Contact Address
Location: Chautara Bazar, Sindhupalchowk
Phone: 011-620391
Map Code: QPF7+WRJ, Chautara 45306