Lalitpur is the educational hub of Nepal. There are many schools, colleges & campuses in Lalitpur. The educational institution provides quality education for students from all backgrounds. This district is well-known for its focus on learning, with several institutions offering a range of programs. You can find both public and private schools in Lalitpur. Public schools are run by the government and provide free or low-cost education. They follow the national curriculum and aim to make education accessible to all. On the other hand, Private schools charge fees and often have more modern facilities and extracurricular activities.
For higher education, Lalitpur is home to several colleges and universities. Pulchowk Engineering Campus is one of the most famous, offering engineering programs that attract students from across Nepal. Another top institution is Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM), which offers management and business courses. These colleges focus on practical learning and aim to prepare students for the job market.
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